Utah primary election: Nearly 25% of all mail-in ballots have been processed

Today is your last chance to vote in Utah's 2024 primary elections and it's critical to note that you CANNOT drop your mail-in ballot in the mail today. It will not be counted.

You'll need to either go and vote in person — if that's an option in your county — or drop your ballot into a ballot drop box. You can find those locations by going to https://votesearch.utah.gov and typing in your address.

As of Monday night, county clerks around the state reported that they had processed nearly a quarter of the ballots that were mailed out. That has already surpassed turnout in some past primaries and obviously a lot more will be added to that by the time polls close tonight at 8 p.m.

San Juan County is still tops among Utah's 29 counties, with about 44% of the ballots mailed out already returned and processed. Utah County is the lowest with less than 17% completed.

And if you're a Republican looking at your ballot, you might be thinking, "Wow, that's quite a few races this time around." You'd be right. It has been exceptionally rare to have a race for governor, U.S. Senate, attorney general and three House races on a single ballot.

The closest comparison might be four years ago when there was a race for governor, attorney general and three House races — but no Senate contest that year. Back in 2004, there was a governor and two House races on the GOP ballot. Point being, there is no shortage of high-profile races on the Republican side this year.

The Salt Lake Tribune will be reporting live during primary election day. Check back here for updates and results.
