Thursday Cannon Fodder: out of place
01/02/2025 08:40 AM
Good Thursday morning, TSFers! With the holidays and New Years over, it's time to settle back into the regular cadence of life. This two-day, end-of-week stub probably helps with that — it's much easier to ease into the regularly scheduled life programming than dive in with a full five days.
For me, it'll be just the one day. I'm wrapping up a family vacation in Miami. The sun and sand has been great. We all feel quite refreshed. I'm not sure vacation has made us ready for the snow that is apparently barreling towards Washington, D.C., but such is life.
Today's CF inspiration comes from South Beach. Last night, my dad took us all out to dinner. The food was excellent. The restaurant was far too hip for me. I was very out of place. Which is fine, it didn't affect my enjoyment of the evening. But I (we) were definitely not cool enough for the place. Dim lights, continuous deep house music from a DJ, and get this, periodic performance in the center of the decorative water feature by an aerialist. Her spinning, hanging from the ceiling was incredible and a strong indicator that I was out of my hip-ness depth. As if I needed more evidence of that fact, my sister was almost certain she saw one of the Real Housewives of NYC personalities in the restaurant, too.
So I ask you, when and where in your life did you find yourself someplace where you felt very much out of place?