Supporters' Forum Drop-in notes

Notes from the first Supporters’ Forum Drop-in of the season, held on Thursday, September 5, are shown below. All Drop-ins are held at 7pm in the HUB on the first Thursday of each month and all supporters are welcome. A total of 17 people attended the drop-in including Forum Committee members Phil Tooley, Nigel Goodlad, Neil Kerry and PC Adam Collins.  The minutes of the committee meeting of 24 August were reviewed and one action arising from that was with regard to Lucy Parker, the new SLO (Supporter Liaison Officer), and her wish to organise an appeal for Matchday Ambassadors. Phil Tooley agreed to contact a friend (and Chesterfield supporter) who volunteers for many sporting events and could be a good contact to determine what works and what doesn't work in seeking to attract and retain these types of volunteers. ACTION: Phil Tooley Another note on the minutes was with regard to the club potentially using a heritage badge on a future kit. The Forum Committee had no issues with this, and the drop-in attendees were also asked, and again, there was no dissent with the idea being deemed a good one. The audit of accessible toilets was noted and […]
