Weekend Warm-up

This week on Weekend Warm-up, Phil chats to the author of a new book about the Community Trust plus CFSS, who saved the club in 2001. Bob Littlewood's 'The Power of the Badge' is an excellent  guide to Chesterfield FCs unique ownership history. Ellie and Darren Yates talk Rainbow Spireites ahead of a big month in February. Only on 1866 Sport – Friday at 7pm and repeated on Saturday morning at 9am. Last week saw Ellie chatting with Phil about his 45 years in press boxes around the country and the episode is now available as a podcast via the link below: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2TGRb07037ugxanJdhKfqG?si=LkpAiJ10R8uruUMyADxXQw
