A Kew Heavins exclusive: Brendan Rodgers ready to quit Celtic after 7-0 thrashing at the hands of Euro giants - Wyness


When Keith Wyness speaks, you listen.

It’s been a quiet international break thus far, and for an old codger like myself, filling my time becomes a bit tedious.

This morning, however, the news from one of our excellent sources, Football Insider, has blown away the cobwebs, and given this old codger a new lease of life!

I have the utmost respect for Aberdeen native Keith Wyness, I must state that much before I go any further.

A man who has held positions as CEO at Aberdeen, Everton and Aston Villa, when he speaks, you listen!

So imagine my surprise, when the brilliant, on the pulse, knowledgeable website that is Football Insider led with this headline:

Brendan Rodgers to quit Celtic? Keith Wyness reacts

YouTube: Brendan Rodgers to quit Celtic? Keith Wyness reacts

During a slow news fortnight, when you see a headline like this, well, needless to say, it grabs your attention!

Being in this game for over eighty years myself, and knowing such a respectable individual as Keith Wyness, I sense it must be true.

So, after about a half hour, as I waited for the internet phone line on my 1992 Wang series computer to fire up, a video came up on my Windows 95 browser.

It was presented by one of Football Insider’s top American Sacker guy experts.

He was having a chat with Keith Wyness about Celtic’s recent 7-0 defeat to Dortmund, amongst other things.

Now, I thought it was a 7-1 defeat, but Keith Wyness says it was a 7-0 defeat, so who am I to question his infinite wisdom?

But firstly, Wyness spoke about Celtic’s huge new deal with Adidas.

Wyness, being an expert on these sort of deals, was the perfect individual to speak to about something such as this.

But what was even more interesting was all the £10 and £5 notes Celtic will make out of this deal.

Football Insider gave exclusive footage of these notes.

And what I can only guess is Peter Lawwell’s hand flicking through them with glee.

American Sacker guy asked Keith Wyness his opinion on the new Adidas deal, and Wyness imparted his wise and sage knowledge on such subjects.

Here’s what he had to say:

Well that’s one I’ve never had to negotiate, so I’m unclear as to how much that would be, but my guessing is that it would be something like, probably a £5 million difference a year.

I could be wrong on that, but I think it’s going to be a significant…certainly, it’ll be based on results, and based on as we just talked about, Man Utd potentially losing £10 million, I think Celtic if they do well in the Champions League, and those sort of areas, which they’ve not done in the last game.

Then they could get those sort of bonuses, I think it’ll be bonus related, with a very small uplift on the basic. But listen, it’s very good news for them.

But as I say, 7-0 was a bit of hammering the other day, and they’ve got to do much better than that. Everybody hoped they would do in the European games, but they’ve got to start producing.

I’ve never been one for all of that financial mumbo jumbo, I tend to leave that sort of thing to guys like Wyness.

He explains it pretty well there, I have to admit.

This is a man who knows his stuff.

And who am I to question his knowledge when it comes to that Dortmund result?

7-0 it is then.

American Sacker guy then went on to comment on the Dortmund result.

He believed Brendan Rodgers showed a bit of naieeevetei in that game, and I would tend to agree with him.

It would appear this is the crux of this video, and possibly why Football Insider believes Rodgers is about to quit.

We got another shot of Peter Lawwell counting €50 notes, just for good measure, when American Sacker guy referenced investment.

I’m guessing that was a nod to Dermot Desmond, who of course only invests in euros in the club.

Because he’s Irish, and the euro is their currency.

Keith Wyness then goes on to explain how defeating R*****s no longer counts for anything, it’s Europe the board are focusing on now.

Here’s what he had to say:

The board, I think will back any manager that’s in there, it’s whether Brendan gets to stay on and do it. He knows it was embarrassing, I mean I went down to Marid last year and saw them got beaten 6-0 at Atletico.

So there have been some bad results for them in Europe. 7-0 is particularly embarrassing. and that’s something that will rankle. I think he can turn it round though. I’ve looked at some of the fixtures in the Champions League coming up and they’ve got a chance to turn this round again and get back on track.

And if they can, y’know, get a reasonable group stage and qualify going forward, then that’ll be enough. I think that’ll satisfy the board for this particular European season and be an improvement over last year.

So that’s how they’ll be judged against last years European performance, and how well they do this year. But I think Celtic, they’ve got the chance to, they’ve got some players, some good players. It’s up to Brendan to produce it on the night.

And there you have it.

Expert opinion, well….at it’s most expert.

With an excellent piece of footage of Celtic’s board discussing all of this intensely in an attic.

But I can see where such a reputable site as Football Insider would get the “inside” information on Brendan Rodgers being ready to quit.

You have to read between the lines.

Two key take outs in Keith Wyness’ statement are the give aways:

It’s whether Brendan gets to stay on and do it

It’s up to Brendan to produce it on the night

The language there is very telling.

Basically, Mr. Wyness is saying that Brendan will get to stay on if Celtic qualify for the next stage of the Champions League.

If not, well, that’s open to interpretation, and my interpretation is that he’ll either quit, or he’ll be resigned.

As Wyness says, it’s up to Brendan on the night.

Meaning it’s up to him to salvage his faltering Celtic career in Europe.

All very intuitive, and I can see why Football Insider would lead with such a bold headline.

It’s why they’re such a respected website, and one of the main reasons my employers use them as a very reliable source.

It’s also why they attract EXPERTS of the calibre of Keith Wyness, Frank McAvennie, and Alan Hutton.

It appears Keith Wyness knows something we don’t.

And an old codger like myself picks up on such things.

Rodgers’ days are numbered unless he delivers in Europe.

Remember you heard it here first.

Well, on Football Insider’s Youtube account, and then here.

But you catch my drift.

Now where did I leave my reading glasses?

Ah, there they are on the end of my nose.

The post A Kew Heavins exclusive: Brendan Rodgers ready to quit Celtic after 7-0 thrashing at the hands of Euro giants – Wyness appeared first on Read Celtic.


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