Can Abdoullah Ba and Adil Aouchiche get back into the Sunderland picture?

Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images

The talented duo have dropped out of the first team reckoning in recent weeks, but with games soon coming thick and fast, how big a chance might they have to stake a claim?

Gav says…

Where do they even fit in?

I guess we aren't completely privy to what's gone on, but what we do know is that the club weren't able to get them out the door over the summer even though we know that was what they were trying to do. We also signed a bunch of new players to add competition in their places.

So, if Abdoullah and Adil want to be Sunderland players, all they can do is fight hard every single day in training and show with their application and attitude that they should be featuring and playing games.

The first thing they need to do is fight to get back on the bench, and the fact that the likes of Trey Ogunsuyi, Harrison Jones and Timur Tutierov have been selected amongst the subs ahead of them suggests to me that these young lads have been putting in the graft in training and proving their worth.

They'll get minutes in the U21s over the coming weeks, and they have recently, so it's up to them to prove they should be here and playing in the first team whenever they get the opportunity to play, even if it's with the second string.

Aouchiche got himself a goal away at Everton, so let's hope that's a sign that he really wants to stay and fight to be a Sunderland player.

At the end of the day, the first team is flying and we can afford to be ruthless.

You have to work incredibly hard to be a part of Régis Le Bris' side and he's fostered an environment in such a short space of time where every single player in that squad needs to look over their shoulder, because nobody is going to be allowed leeway or handed opportunities on a plate.

You only have to glance at the wording of the statement when Aaron Connolly's signing was announced to get a taste of how we do things now. This is an ultra-competitive environment and we won't suffer fools gladly.

The best case scenario is that both of them fight and claw for their next opportunity, and when it comes, they take it. If they don't, well, we'll all move on.

Photo by Nigel Roddis/Getty Images

Malc Dugdale says…

Much like my earlier comments on the challenges between Dan Ballard and Chris Mepham, I do think there are opportunities for the players not getting first pick out wide and in the middle of the park to get game time, especially as the fixtures get more congested.

Abdoullah Ba is an enigma. On his day he can be unplayable, but those days can be quite far apart.

His challenge will be turning in a 'statement' performance with limited game time, and if he doesn't, he may well go out on loan in the January window.

Aouchiche is similar but for me, his performances have been a little less erratic in quality, although he hasn't had many really standout games where he's been the main difference in the middle of the park, which Ba has done at least once or twice.

If he gets a chance, he needs to smash it, win the shirt, then play well enough to keep it.

We're likely to suffer the odd injury with the increased number of games, and both of these lads are good options for cover, with different qualities and a solid understanding of how we play.

It'll be down to them and others to grab the chance if it arises, and to show why they have a right to continue in the matchday squad.

This situation is pretty much the same across most of the team now, which says a lot for the work done by the club to build strength in depth.

Competition drives up standards and if we keep improving from where we are now, I'd be more than happy with that.

Mark Roberts says…

There won't be a role for either, and I don't think they can do anything about it now.

Near the end of August, there were reports regarding Aouchiche, who was touted as 'likely to leave Sunderland after growing unhappy', and although you often can't be sure of what you read, the article inferred that Régis Le Bris and Aouchiche weren't on the greatest of terms whilst at Lorient.

This may be true, but he wasn't moved on. He's an attacking central midfielder and therefore he's behind Jobe Bellingham, Chris Rigg and Alan Browne, at least.

Throw Milan Aleksić and Ian Poveda into the mix and he would be lucky to find a place on the bench without something major or exceptional happening. Furthermore, if his reaction to competition or Le Bris as coach has led to him asking for a move, then he has no home here. He had his chance last season, enough said.

With Ba, it's less clear.

I'm not sure of his best position and I'd be surprised if he does, either. I'm also not certain which Ba will turn up but I'm sure that he needs minutes on a pitch, albeit probably not ours.

Ba is 2 and Aouchiche is 22, so they have time on their side but I was surprised and a bit disappointed that they both didn't get a loan move. They must do in the New Year.

Photo by Ian Horrocks/Sunderland AFC via Getty Images


