Fan Letters: "Is the 10% discount for season ticket holders no longer in place?"

Photo by Ian Horrocks/Sunderland AFC via Getty Images

RR reader Ken Tuck feels that improvements are still needed when it comes to communication from the club. Got something to say? Email us:

Dear Roker Report,

I recently popped into the new club shop and I like what they've done with the old ticket office.

However, I wasn't aware that they'd removed the 10% discount for season ticket holders; in fact, I'm sure I remember reading that you would be able to get this discount online as well this year at the end of last season.

Not the end of the world, I suppose, but it would've been nice to have been informed that this discount was being removed before, during or even after renewing, or did I somehow miss this announcement?

It seems the communication still isn't all it should be, but I do acknowledge the improvements to the pitch, the PA system, and the club shop itself.

Let's hope that one day, the customer service and communication becomes more professional, but it seems there's still a long way to go on this front!

Ken Tuck

Ed's Note [Phil]: I fully agree with you about the new club shop.

It's miles better than the old one in just about every single area, and the retail operation has improved significantly this year, so let's hope it continues.

Regarding the question of the 10% discount, I don't recall receiving an email that said it had been discontinued. Perhaps I missed it, but I can't remember it being included in any of the emails sent to me from the club over the summer.

Communication can always improve, however, and you're absolutely right: it's an area that the club can't afford to neglect.

Photo by Ian Horrocks/Sunderland AFC via Getty Images

Dear Roker Report,

How can Dan Neil say that this is a tough place to come and play football? It's Plymouth, for fuck's sake.

Neil (among a lot of other players) was just outplayed by a team that wanted it more than we did.

Have a look in the mirror, boys. It was absolutely shite, and if we can't put Plymouth away, we don't deserve promotion.

Get a grip, lads, instead of being bottle jobs yet again.

Rob Brown

Ed's Note [Phil]: In fairness to Neil (who certainly didn't have his best game for us on Saturday), Home Park has been a bit of a tricky stadium for us to visit in recent years.

We were held to a frustrating draw there under Alex Neil, and last season's trip to Plymouth under Tony Mowbray ended in a defeat, so we haven't fared brilliantly in the West Country in recent times.

That said, I certainly don't feel we lost our nerve on Saturday; instead, we just didn't hit the standard of performance that we've come to expect this season, and the goals we conceded were incredibly soft, too.

It was a blip, without a doubt, but nothing went wrong against Argyle that can't be fixed, and I do believe that the players can respond strongly when Middlesbrough arrive on Wearside on Saturday.

Photo by Ian Horrocks/Sunderland AFC via Getty Images
