Lasses Report: Sunderland 1-0 London City – Fenton scores opening goal of the season at Eppleton

Sunderland AFC Photography

Sunderland Women restored their fighting spirit this Sunday, scoring their first goal of the season and earning a clean sheet at home.

With a cheering crowd of just 565, Eppleton witnessed the Lasses show again why they are not to be underestimated. It was predicted in our match preview that this fixture could have been our Agincourt, sterling victory in the face of overwhelming odds, and it was.

Lasses fans on Wearside now a-bed, shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here.

Whether it was a succession of Grace Ede tackles, driving runs from Watson and McAteer, or even a cheeky nutmeg by Libbi McInnes, the crowd were firmly behind Sunderland today.

In spite of starting the game with zero points, and coming off the back of such dispiriting opening games at Birmingham then Southampton, Mel Reay's side have used the previous fortnight to great effect on the training ground.

The first half was a tightly fought affair with the Lasses conceding the bulk of possession to London City. With both sides pursuing a counter attacking strategy, the wings saw the most action as both sides sought to flank a core midfield of opposition.

A succession of Kitching corners were taken with deep crosses before the Kiwi herself looked to chip London City's former Chelsea keeper Emily Orman. Orman just tipped it over the bar and was later kept busy in the half after fullback Jess Brown made a superb run down the pitch, clearing two defenders with her deft touch before shooting and forcing Orman to save.

The bulk of this first half though saw a rigorous and strong defensive approach, particularly from Grace Ede and Jess Brown. Both fullbacks were displayed confident successions of interceptions, passes and tackles to frustrate an increasingly irate London City. Ede in particular made one goal line clearance early in the game and Jessie Stapleton in to replace Bri Westrup was called in to make an astute tactical foul to prevent a counter-attack, picking up a yellow card in the process.

Lambourne, who has had an ill-omened start at Sunderland, made save after save. She commanded her backline and blocked Isobel Goodwin's shots, leaving the City striker with a vein threatening to burst.

The second half started as the first ended. Sunderland defending comfortably, inviting pressure before countering.

Until the 58th minute. Kitching's deep cross from a corner landed in a pocket of space with Fenton leaping on it with the single-minded determination of a hunting dog chasing a herd of deer in Richmond Park. A quickly taken shot was buried in the back of the net and the Lasses didn't look back all game.

For the rest of the game, Sunderland grew in stature, increasingly dominating the play of the game, occupying more of the midfield, intercepting London City passes and pressing their backline.

Eleanor Dale, taking advantage of a back pass to Orman, came in to dispossess the keeper and came close to deflecting the keeper's kick. Long shots from Fenton and Dear continued the Lasses attack leaving London City feeling like the occupants of a picnic under a wasps' nest.

A final counter attacking run from Watson, deep in her own half, all the way to the opposition penalty box before she was fouled gave Sunderland a penalty with the last kick of the game.

Emily Scarr lined up to shoot but Orman managed to save and tip the ball left.

The referee blew the whistle, and with the cheers of Eppleton ringing around, Sunderland have their first win, clean sheet and points of this season.

Ha'way the Lasses!


