Tottenham player reaches 'agreement in principle' to leave – Cockiness over taking Spurs man

Monday’s edition of Gazzetta dello Sport is confident to the point of cockiness on AC Milan’s chances of signing Emerson Royal from Tottenham Hotspur.

The Rossoneri have been credited with interest for over a month, and it’s been repeatedly stated the Brazilian is keen on making the move to the Serie A side.

Gazzetta dello Sport now state there’s an ‘agreement in principle’ between Emerson Royal and Milan, so it’s just a case of reaching an agreement with Tottenham.

On that front, the famous old Italian newspaper says the two clubs are ‘closer than a month ago’ and Milan are ‘leading the game’.

Essentially, it’s claimed that if the Rossoneri want Emerson Royal then the Rossoneri will take Emerson Royal. To do that they’d pay ‘close to €20m’, and the insinuation is Spurs would have to agree to this figure.

Gazzetta believe next week could be important in this potential transfer, but they don’t go on to explain why.

Tottenham will, quite obviously, only sell the Brazilian in a deal which suits them. So if he does move, that means Spurs are happy with the package and not simply cowering in the face of Milan.

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