Academy Ambition: Jai-Dea Moulton

Players in the Hornets Academy outline their ambitions for the rest of their careers. This time, it’s Jai-Dea Moulton.

What is your biggest ambition in football?

It’s probably to reach a stage where I’m playing in the Champions League when I’m older. And possibly win the World Cup as well. That’s the dream!

Do you have any short-term ambitions with Watford?

I would like to train with the first-team at least once, and try to establish myself in the Under-21s as I have started the season with the Under-18s. I had concussion at the beginning of the season, but I’m hungrier than ever to prove my abilities.

If you could play a game at any stadium, which one would it be?

It’s got to be the Santiago Bernabéu for me. It’s just brilliant isn’t it? It’s massive.

If you could play a game against any team, who would you choose?

I’d probably go with Barcelona as I’ve been watching them for a long time. I’m a Real Madrid fan so I would like to beat the rivals.

If you could play alongside any player from any era, who would it be?

I’m going to go with Mousa Dembélé, the one who used to play for Spurs. Obviously he is better than me now, but I see my attributes in him and I think we’d have a good little partnership.

If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?

It’s a tough one. I will go with Kim Kardashian. I think we all know why! I think that would be a nice experience.

Is there anything you'd like to achieve away from football?

When I retire I’d like to go into sports therapy and talk to people. I struggled with mental health when I was younger, and I want to get it across to people that this is okay and you can become a great person from it.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Maybe Bora Bora? I see pictures from there all the time and it looks pretty sick.
