Women's team lose in FA Cup qualifier

Chesterfield FC Women lost 5-0 at Rotherham United in the second round qualifying of the FA Cup this afternoon. The hosts made a quick start and took the lead in the first minute. With the Spireites unsettled, Rotherham doubled their lead in the seventh minute. The Spireites started settling into game and had a great chance in the 20th minute when Lucy Graham did brilliantly to create space for a shot but it was saved. Despite pressure from the Spireites and a brilliant fingertip save from Rhianne Carroll minutes earlier, the Millers got a third goal in the 34th minute. The Spireites made a good start to the second half, enjoying the majority of the possession, but a fourth goal came for Rotherham in the 66th minute. Carroll did well to anticipate the shot at her near post, but it just crept in. As the Spireites pushed forward, Rotherham got a fifth in the 84th minute to round off the scoring. The scoreline didn’t necessarily reflect the performance and the Spireites can be proud of their display against higher opposition. Next up for the Spireites is Buxton at home next Sunday. Spireites: Carroll, Pinkney, Holland, Francis, Delaney, Hulme, O’Brien (Singleton […]
