Bears turn on bears as the stadium fiasco threatens to destroy their season before it even starts and Celtic fans are loving it

Firstly, before I say anything, I’d like to wish Joe McHugh over on Videocelts a very happy birthday.

It was his article from yesterday that inspired me to write today’s.

On Friday the 21st last, I wrote an extensive article on the revelation asbestos may have been disturbed during the upgrade works at Ibrox.

This revelation came from an account called Empire on follow follow.

Empire lists himself as an employee on the popular Ibrox forum.

Joe has continued to follow follow (excuse the pun) Empire on X, and it would appear that his revelations have landed him in hot water with fellow bears.

But unlike most bears, Empire likes to tell the truth.

And as we all know, most bears can’t handle the truth.

In fact the truth and Ibrox have always had a very poor relationship.

Even as we speak, it’s highly unlikely the whole truth is being revealed to Ibrox fans regarding the current stadium fiasco.

However, Empire believes that all bears should know the truth, and that these kinds of things need to be called out, rather than just accepting them.

Which is something loyal bears always do.

They accept whatever is thrown at them by their club.

They’ve just accepted a 10% hike in the cost of season tickets without questioning it.

They accept it whenever share issues are announced, knowing full well that club shares are worth less than toilet roll.

So, it would appear Empire has had enough.

It’s also clear he has no problem telling the truth about what’s going on currently at Ibrox.

You can read his comments on X through the link provided to Joe’s article from yesterday.

One bear questioned his comments by stating he was droning on about the board again.

Which to me is hilarious.

It’s hilarious the fact that Ibrox fans have someone who’s actually speaking up about the shambolic behaviour of the club’s board, and they’re turning on him.

But not the board?

At this moment in time, the bears are really proving that they are the most gullible fanbase out there.

I mean, how much worse can it get before they actually seriously call the board out on it?

They still haven’t managed to secure a venue to play at while the renovations at Ibrox are delayed indefinitely.

Meanwhile, Celtic fans are lapping all of this up and loving it.

Ibrox is giving us plenty to talk about.

But, as I stated in yesterday’s article, the fact that our board are giving us nothing to talk about should be more of a cause for concern for us.

In his article this morning in the Sunday Mail, Hugh Keevins stirred the early awakenings of making the upcoming season into something bigger than it really is with this statement:

Celtic can overtake R*****s as the club who have won most trophies and also equal R*****s' total of 55 league championship wins if they make it Four-in-a-row. So it is the biggest season since Celtic's chance to win 10-in-a-row ended in mayhem partly created by a succession of bad signings.

I personally don’t think we were making it into the biggest season since the 10IAR debacle.

But looking at Keevins’ comment, it would appear the media are going to attempt to.

Now, this move could play into our hands, simply because it applies more pressure to Ibrox, than it does to us.

We will overhaul their trophy count, regardless of what the media says.

We don’t need to set nonsensical numerical targets.

And by nonsensical, I mean targets we know do not exist.

Any target we set, were we to set any, is very real.

Despite all of the distraction over at Ibrox, there is still no movement in the transfer market from Celtic.

I went into detail on that yesterday.

In order for Celtic fans to relax, we need to get that first transfer over the line.

I think once that happens, it will be followed by more.

And yes, you can smirk when you see what’s going on over at Ibrox, but save the real laughter for when we beat them at Celtic Park on the 31st of August.

They have given themselves a serious handicap for the start of this season.

It is up to our club, and our board to take advantage of that.

We didn’t do that for the 10IAR season.

And while this is not as important a season as that, despite what Keevins et al say, to make a similar mistake would never be accepted.

The Celtic board would never be that stupid, would they?

I’d like to say no, but stranger things have been known to happen.

Get some deals done Celtic.

That will then assuage any doubts amongst our fan base.

We won’t get an opportunity like this again.

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