Civil war looms at Ibrox, as King ramps up the insanity with his claims that Gerrard "was absolutely kicked out" in 2021

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more insane at Ibrox, it starting to border on psychotic, thanks to the King of selling crazy.

Or should I say, the insanity is being facilitated by a batshit crazy narcissist.

King is going all out to plunge the already floundering club into total chaos.

It seems he’s hell bent in starting a civil war over there.

Because this morning in the Record, his claims are off the charts.

King claims that Steven Gerrard was kicked out of Ibrox in 2021, although only God knows how he came up with this theory.

Here’s the opening paragraph of the article in the Record:

Dave King's claim that Steven Gerrard was "kicked out" as Rangers boss have gone down a storm as the former chairman, who has also called for an EGM, looks to make a return to to Ibrox.

The South Africa-based businessman was a huge influence in attracting the Liverpool and England legend to the Light Blues hot-seat with Gerrard the man who eventually took the Scottish Premiership title back to Govan. King said: "Steven was absolutely kicked out. I have no doubts about that. Steven did not want to leave at that point in time.”

Now if that’s not unhinged, I don’t know what is.

If King really believes Gerrard was kicked out, then why is he only coming out with it now?

This is nothing but utter shithousery from King.

Rabble rousing of the highest order.

Steven did not want to leave at that point?

So, let me get this straight, Aston Villa knew that Gerrard was about to get kicked out by the Ibrox side, so they came in with an offer he couldn’t resist?

Yeah right!

But you know what’s worse?

The Record are actually entertaining this shite, and performing some investigative journalism (an altogether alien concept to most of the hacks there) to see if there are any hints to prove Gerrard was kicked out.

Instead of actually dismissing this shithousery for what it is.


Gavin Berry seems to think Gerrard was unhappy with the financial backing, or lack thereof, he received for the Europa League campaign.

He believes this was his first sign of discontent.

I’ll break it down in a simpler fashion for him.

Gerrard screwed up in the Champions League qualifiers against old Ranjurz killerz, Malmö FF.

In collapsing against the ten men of Malmö, the Ibrox side missed out on those much needed “Champions Leagues monies.”

Jon Dahl Tomasson seemed to know at the time how much that money meant to the Ibrox club, didn’t he?

The fact is, Gerrard had nothing to be unhappy about.

He screwed up Champions League qualification, therefore, the funds were never going to be forthcoming.

And I’m pretty sure the Ibrox board were clear on that.

Gerrard himself admitted as much, so clearly he had nothing to be unhappy about:

OK, maybe after we won it (the Covid title) I would have wanted a bit more to really go for it. Everyone had different challenges so I totally understood it. But I’m very much someone who, when you achieve something, it’s like ‘come on, let’s go again'. We tried and unfortunately we didn’t qualify for the Champions League. That’s obviously on me. We took a while to get some targets in that we wanted and had to compromise a little bit but it’s ultimately on me.

And there you have it, it’s ultimately on me.

So I’m not sure where Gavin Berry can get the idea Gerrard was unhappy at the lack of investment.

When ultimately it was on him.

The simple reality here was that when Villa came calling, Gerrard nearly shat his pants with excitement.

It was his ticket out of Glasgow.

He knew there was now a real challenge coming from Celtic Park with the hiring of Ange Postecoglou.

The writing was on the wall, so he ran for the hills.

He wasn’t going to turn down an opportunity like that, and he admitted as much:

It was crazy and it was very quick, I was first aware of Aston Villa's interest on Wednesday. I had a call off my representation and when the phone call sunk in, I wanted this to happen very quickly because first and foremost, the opportunity was too big and from there, it happened really, really quick. I mean, credit to Aston Villa, the speed that they got things done, not just for me but the staff that I am bringing with me as well and I must also pay my respects to Rangers who were very professional in the dealings as well. Very crazy, very quick but when you're in that situation, that's what you want to happen, the last thing you want is for it to drag out because you want to get in as quick as you can and start working as fast as you can

Does that translate into “I was kicked out” in anyone’s language?

Except Dave King’s, of course?

Of course, the Record couldn’t resist bringing up the “Do I look happy? interview:

Shortly before his departure, Gerrard was quizzed by BT Sport presenter Emma Dodds on rumours linking him with a move away. His response came back to bite him. "Do I look happy?, he asked. "Do I look settled? Don't ask me silly questions then.”

All in all, Gavin Berry’s investigative journalism proves nothing.

In fact, all it does is prove that Dave King is batshit crazy.

He’s stirring the pot, and he’s only interested in starting a civil war at Ibrox.

King wants to whip the fanbase into a frenzy, just like he did back in 2015.

And what better way to do that than creating a complete and utter fallacy?

But he knows how gullible his audience is, so they’re sure to take his wise and sage words as gospel truth.

From a Celtic perspective, all of this is brilliant.

The Ibrox club is consuming itself from within.

Its on a self-destruction spiral, with no sign of stopping any time soon.

King is also trying to rally the troops by claiming Celtic will land titles 55, 56, and 57, if they don’t get their act together.

Newsflash, they will never get their act together.

If they haven’t managed to pull it off since 2012, they’re sure as hell not going to start now.

Especially when they’re in more turmoil than they’ve ever been in, in their short life-time.

But you’ve got to hand it to King.

He knows exactly what kind of gallery he’s playing to, and he has nothing else on his mind but wanton destruction.

His delusions of £50 million in investment?

Pie in the sky.

No sane person is going to throw their money down a black hole.

He’s like Midas, with one fundamental difference, everything Midas touched turned to gold, whereas with King, everything he touches turns to shite.

Soon enough, Ibrox will be a steaming pile of turd, thanks to him.

Isn’t it great fun, though?

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