Jackson tells everyone that the lunatics are in-charge of the Ibrox asylum. This is why they will never catch Celtic


This morning, Keith Jackson has written not one, but two Ibrox articles in the Record on his favourite club.

The second one is quite interesting in that it confirms something we’re all very aware of.

And that’s that the lunatics are in-charge of the Ibrox asylum.

Things never, ever change at Ibrox because the board, and the club in general, always bow to the demands of the klanbase.

You see, it is their firm belief at Ibrox that they success is their God-given right.

Their supremacist outlook tells them that it is they who should be dominating Scottish football.

Not the Fenian upstarts over in the East end.

But in the history of the beautiful game, new clubs rarely dominate in their respective leagues.

Celtic are not a new club, they’ve existed now in two centuries.

We are the dominant force in Scottish football.

Now, all the players who come to Ibrox are indoctrinated into the Ibrox faith.

This supremacist guff that they are winners, and they must always win, and that they must always stop Celtic.

No matter what the cost is.

They’re fed this bullshit that they’re the most successful club in the world after winning three trophies.

Yeah, go figure that one.

Although that claim is likely to be shredded this season, possibly even in the next two months, if Celtic can win the League Cup.

Kieran Dowell is no exception to the rule at Ibrox, and today, Jackson is highlighting Dowell’s “understanding” of Ibrox expectations.

Yesterday, Vaclav Cerny was on the end of some fan abuse from the Ibrox fans because he passed the ball back to Jack Butland.

Not a crime, but in the eyes of the klanbase, such behaviour is sacrilege.

Cerny didn’t see it that way, and so, he reacted to the hoards, and told them where to go.

Of late, it is becoming more and more prevalent for Ibrox players to be on the end of fan abuse at Ibrox.

It’s also becoming clear that the players are getting tired of it.

Thus, it’s also becoming more and more and prevalent for them to react.

Just like Cerny did yesterday.

Apparently, after hooking Cerny, Clement gave him some choice words.

Something, I’m sure, along the lines of, “you must not speak back to the klanbase, for they are holier than thou.”

Clearly Cerny didn’t like it, and as Jackson put it, he “threw a tantrum on the touchline”.

Players don’t throw tantrums unless they’re unhappy.

When did you last see a Celtic player throw a strop on the touchline?

Do you think that this kind of behaviour would even be accepted by Brendan Rodgers?

It all points to disharmony in the dressing room at Ibrox.

And part of that disharmony comes from the fact that the players know the influence the fans have over the club.

I did an article on the “exemplary” behaviour of the Klanbase in Stockholm last Thursday.

Just watch the video in that piece for an example of that behaviour.

Then try to imagine being an Ibrox player on the end of the kind of rage displayed in that clip.

Personally, I can see why some of them get pissed off.

It’s never ending over there, and will never end unless they’re dominating the Scottish game.

And therein lies the problem, that’s never going to happen.

All the pressure in the world from the klanbase isn’t going to change that.

Simply because they cannot compete with Celtic financially.

So, it’s a vicious circle over there, a continuous vortex of eat, sleep and repeat.

People like Jackson don’t get this.

And comments like this show that in all of it’s glory:

Asked if some of the new arrivals, such as Cerny, need to become accustomed to the demands of the support Dowell said: "I don’t know, I don’t know. I think maybe in the moment, he’s probably had a long week himself. He might have felt a bit leggy and thought, 'I can’t do that one'.

Need to become accustomed to the demands of the support??

Christ, maybe the player was tired, a pass-back isn’t exactly a crime, is it?

It is the unrealistic demands of that very support that holds that club back.

Not that I’m complaining, long may it continue.

Look, at Celtic, we also demand success, and yes, there are times we get frustrated with players on the field of play.

But it is rare, and when it does happen, our frustration is more directed at the board for not investing in the playing squad to the level that they should.

Knowing fully that we have the finance to do so.

But that is the difference between us and the Ibrox side.

We have the money to ensure our playing squad should be top quality.

At Ibrox, they simply do not, yet they still expect their board to spend, spend, spend.

Keeping the club in a continuous debt cycle it cannot get out of.

This season, John Bennett wanted to put the brakes on that, and it was almost as if it was utter insanity to even consider it.

Bennett saw that, and had enough of it.

That’s why he left and handed the reigns over to lisping buffoon, John Gilligan.

Gilligan would do well to remember that he’s a big part of the reason Brendan Rodgers is at Celtic.

For it was his, let’s say, over-exuberant celebrations at the 2016 Scottish Cup semi-final that irked Dermot Desmond so much that he decided it was time to bring in an elite level manager.

The Rodgers connection was then established, and his success rate during his first stint in charge played a big part in the club securing his services for a second time.

Jackson feed this narrative with articles like the one about Cerny.

He drives the insanity of the lunatics running the asylum.

This paragraph on Dowell’s comments earlier in the article pretty much sums that up:

But Dowell is smart enough to recognise this is an argument that can't be won – and a fight these players don't need to pick. Speaking after the 1-0 win over Hibs which leaves his side trailing both Celtic and Aberdeen by five points the Scouser said: "Obviously after a tough week, going to Malmo in midweek, it was one of those games that you have to grind out in the end. There were a lot of tired legs. Credit to a lot of the lads, they had to put in a shift this week. Like I said, it was all about grinding out the results and we did that in the end.

Dowell is smart enough to recognise this is an argument that can’t be won?

Basically, you must do whatever the hoards wish.

Don’t pick fights with them, just be a good boy and do your job.

Because they’re in-charge.

And as long as they are, thankfully, Ibrox will remain Celtic’s shadow.

Right now, that’s a very big shadow.

As Celtic continue to get stronger and stronger, their desperation to keep up with us could very well be their undoing.

I say keep the lunatics in-charge of the asylum.

As long as they are, the Ibrox side will never catch Celtic.

And mark my words, if Vaclav Cerny returns to his parent club at the end of the season, he won’t have much positive to say about his Ibrox experiences.

Not many do these days.

Jeez, I wonder why?

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