Fan Letters: Might we have a problem keeping our big squad of players happy?!

Photo by Ian Horrocks/Getty Images

RR reader Stephen is worried that it might be hard to keep all of Sunderland's talented players happy this season! Got something to say? Email us:

Dear Roker Report,

I never thought I'd say this, but SAFC may have a problem with its abundance of talent, especially in certain areas. We are now very strong in the midfield and centre-back positions. If you are in one of those positions and playing at the top of your game, how do you handle being rotated?

Managers will say it's a nice problem to have, but I'm not so sure they mean it! One thing's for sure: not all players will react the same, and that's when a coach will earn his crust. Keeping a successful, large squad together will be one of Reggie's biggest challenges, and it will be interesting to see how he copes…

And at the moment, from what I've seen, I'm sure he will succeed!

Stephen Jameson

Ed's Note [Gav]: I think we're just being incredibly sensible for once, particularly after the start we've had. In the last two seasons we've been hammered by injuries and it's had a huge impact on the results on the pitch — in our first season back I think we would have won promotion with Ross Stewart fit at the end of the season, for instance.

We've got to have a strong squad because injuries and suspensions will happen, and the only way to manage that is to have strong players all over the park.

We've got a pretty quiet September, but after that it really ramps up and many weeks we'll be playing three games a week.

We'll need to rotate, and the transfer business we've done gives Régis this option. I'm happy!

Dear Roker Report,

Did you know that Sunderland and Barcelona are the only clubs in Europe to win their first four games?

T Young

Ed's Note [Gav]: No, but I do now! Not bad company to be in...


