More moonbeams from Ibrox, as Clement is touted for the Belgium job. Surely the Celtic manager will be linked with a big international job soon?

Remember the time when Mark Warburton was going to be the next England manager?

Then Stevie G was going to be the next Liverpool manager?

And of course, lest we forget, Michael Beale had what it took to be the next manager of England?

Because Dujon Sterling said these famous words:

Already on the pitch you can see his tactical brain is genius.

I ain't got nothing else, he's just a genius. He goes into so much detail.

Well, in the finest tradition of all of those men of great staying power, and tactical genius, who have gone before him, Philippe Clement is now being touted as the next Belgium boss.

Shouting it from the rooftops with the below headline, Mark Walker produced an outstanding piece of fluff in the Record today to help soothe the stadium woes emanating from a now closed Ibrox:

Philippe Clement touted as next Belgium manager as Rangers boss gets ringing endorsement from legend

This fantastic endorsement came from none other than Belgian legend, Rene Vandereycken.

Eh, who, you might ask?

I ain’t that young, but even I can’t recall this guy ever entering my thought stratosphere.

A quick check on him tells me he was retired from playing football when I was 12.

He was in the midst of a sterling career at Club Brugges when I didn’t exist.

So forgive me if I really have no idea who this guy actually is.

Now, he did spend 3 years as Belgium coach from 2006 to 2009, but I’m even at a loss to recall that tenure.

But anyway, he’s a legend, so I guess that counts for something when it comes to his opinion.

Here’s the opening line to this wonderful article on Clement, which must give those happy bears tickles and warm feelings inside:

Belgium legend Rene Vandereycken has touted Rangers boss Philippe Clement is a “candidate” to take charge of his country.

Well, I’m sure that candidacy must be based on the fantastic job of moral victories he’s accumulated during his time at the Ibrox club.

I mean when a “legend” says you’re a candidate for the Belgium job, then you sit up and take notice.

Walker opens up on the legendary Vandereycken’s opinion with this statement:

Clement won 38 caps for the Belgian team between 1998 and 2007 and scored one goal against Bulgaria 21 years ago. Tedesco looks set to get a vote of confidence to lead Belgium into the 2026 World Cup qualifiers.

But former international boss Vandereycken – who scored in the European Championships Final in 1980 as a player and also managed Anderlecht, Standard Liege and Twente Enschede – put Clement’s name forward.


Absolutely brilliant.

Now, we must remember, of course, that Domenico Tedesco will still be taking charge of Belgium for the World Cup 2026 qualifiers.

But that doesn’t matter a jot now, because Vandereyreyreychhhhken put Clement’s name forward.

So it’s set in stone.

Here’s what the legendary guy had to say:

I’m not so much in favour of another foreign national coach. For me, Philippe Clement is a candidate, but he is stuck at R*****s. Many other Belgian managers are not available too.

Yes indeedy, he’s STUCK at the Ibrox club.

For now anyway.

But the Belgium job is his whenever Tedesco packs it in.

Because Vandereyreyreychhhhken uttered that one sentence – For me, Philippe Clement is a candidate.

Mark Walker has managed to create a whole article, with a wonderful fluffy headline to placate the Ibrox hoards, based on that seven word sentence.

Meanwhile, Ibrox is falling down, and this is the crap the SMSM are focussing on?

Examining a seven word sentence to the nth degree, and then stating that Clement is being touted as the next Belgium manager.

You know, it never fails to amaze me that despite the fact Celtic have dominated in Scotland throughout the 21st century, the Scottish media rarely, if ever, linked, or links any of our managers to international jobs.

Yet, almost every loser that steps into the Ibrox hotseat is a future international manager?

This kind of claptrap is what epitomises the SMSM.

On the one hand, there is a huge story developing at Ibrox with regard to the stadium debacle.

On the other, we have Keith Jackson toeing the party line, and informing everybody it’s all James Bisgrove’s fault.

Like I said in yesterday’s article, it’s all very easy to blame the guy who’s left the building.

Instead of actually focussing on the fact there are serious issues at Ibrox, the media feeds us this crap?

Knowing full well that this is the ultimate in lazy journalism.

And that Clement will most likely never manage Belgium.

Just like Warburton never managed England.

Just like Gerard never managed Liverpool, and is in a backwater like Saudi Arabia for the money.

Because it certainly isn’t for the footballing experience.

And just like Michael Beale never got near the England job, and is now an unemployed loser.

Clement is on a hiding to nothing.

He will leave Ibrox a beaten man, when Brendan Rodgers destroys his career next season, and consigns him to the grave of the managers he’s already dispatched at Ibrox.

I’m sure the SMSM will then be linking Brendan Rodgers with the a big international job?

Won’t they?


I won’t hold my breath.

The post More moonbeams from Ibrox, as Clement is touted for the Belgium job. Surely the Celtic manager will be linked with a big international job soon? appeared first on Read Celtic.
