Panic begins to set in amongst the bears, as it looks more and more likely Ibrox will be closed until Celtic come calling in the new year

This story just rumbles on and on, with no discernible solution yet reached, or forthcoming from the Ibrox board.

The closure until January rumour seems to be fast morphing from rumour into reality.

The SMSM are doing their best to keep anxious bears informed, but it’s clear they know absolutely nothing.

Well, they’re letting on they know nothing, and reporting exactly what’s being fed to them.

Late last night, the Sun tried to conduct an informative article showing exactly what’s going on at Ibrox.

In reality, it revealed absolutely nothing, other than the author was illiterate, and decided that in a national title, it wasn’t necessary to check his grammar.

There are a few photographs in the article, which reveal pretty much nothing.

Other than the fact that there are building materials lying here, there, and everywhere.

The title to one of the pictures is – BUilding materials to complete the job is stored

Make what you will of that one.

Interestingly enough, a big GREEN forklift seems to be the main focus.

This is displayed in the first picture, and personally I’m shocked that a big GREEN forklift was allowed anywhere near Ibrox.

I’m guessing that’s why intrepid (and illiterate) reporters Stewart Fisher, and Willie Vass decided to include it as their first photo.

They have also included a video, which is pretty much a re-run of their photographs.

Their big exclusive, as I already said reveals nothing.

But what I can show you is an example of their fantastic grammatical abilities, see below:

It all makes decamping to Hampden is so problematic – even if this route – at first dismissed by club chiefs – now appears to be back on the table.

The Gers are also not to have to nominate TWO separate home grounds – one for Champions League matches and one for Premiership games.

I’m guessing this kind of literature is for a select kind of readership, if you catch my drift?

Not wanting to be outdone, the Record ran with the big GREEN forklift picture as their focal point in an article this morning by Anthony Evans.

Just as the Sun article revealed nothing new, neither does this article.

It would appear that the SMSM have been told to stick to the script.

September is the focus, and they’re being told the Ibrox side will be back at Ibrox then.

However, early this morning, Joe Mchugh was able to release a telling article over on Celtic365.

This article reveals that the Ibrox closure rumour until January is gathering momentum.

In the know source, Remy McSwain, who recently informed us of Mark Lawwell’s departure, had this to say:

As the old saying goes, there’s no smoke without fire.

Day by day, this rumour has been gaining traction.

It didn’t just come out of no where.

The reality of this seems to be dawning on the anxious bears.

And since they can’t get any decent information from their own board, and club, in desperation they are turning to the Celtic bloggers.

Now, it’s debatable what kind of source they see us as.

I’m sure they believe we’re just stirring the pot, and in the process trying to drive them demented.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t derive a certain amount of pleasure from that.

But as I said in my article on Tuesday, somewhere amongst all of the current rumours lies the real Ibrox story.

And we will keep chipping away until we find the truth.

Over on follow follow, they’re desperate for the truth, and if I wasn’t a Celt, I’d almost feel sorry for them.

But I don’t.

It’s the “shocking” lack of information that’s really getting to them:

Clearly, they’re beginning to click something more sinister is up.

Some are even worried that they won’t be able to find a company to relay the Hampden surface in time for them to play there.

I guess that comes from the paranoia surrounding steel suppliers, and timings around that:

I think at this point, it’s safe to say it’s the not knowing that’s killing them.

But the more time that goes by without an official announcement from the Ibrox club, the more questions that are getting asked.

If the club were confident of re-opening the stadium in September, then they’d have said it by now.

Saying nothing at all is giving credence to the January re-opening rumours, which we the Celtic bloggers, keep reporting.

Right now, the biggest concern amongst angry bears are the logistics surrounding all of this disruption.

With the commencement of the season less than a month away, they still have no idea where they’ll be playing their first home game:

Even the good ‘ol Louden tavern is worried about the impact it’ll have on business.

Especially if nobody is around for what should have been the season’s opening home games.

Meanwhile, all of us Celtic supporters are lapping it up.

And we bloggers are watching every development very closely.

Because if the SMSM won’t talk about it, we will.

Right now, we are a serious thorn in Ibrox’s side.

That won’t change any time soon.

The post Panic begins to set in amongst the bears, as it looks more and more likely Ibrox will be closed until Celtic come calling in the new year appeared first on Read Celtic.
